Photo of Davis Lisboa Spain

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Davis Lisboa (1965, São Paulo, Brazil),
lives and works in Barcelona, Spain.

He is Hispano-Brazilian polyhedrical, multidisciplinary
and globalized illustrator and painter,
who works erasing the borders between graphic and fine arts,
high and low culture, art and market,
crafts and technology.

The artist proposes us a reflection
about the postmodern linguistic and cultural hybridization
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Photo of Davis Lisboa Spain




Davis Lisboa (1965, São Paulo, Brazil),
lives and works in Barcelona, Spain.

He is Hispano-Brazilian polyhedrical, multidisciplinary
and globalized illustrator and painter,
who works erasing the borders between graphic and fine arts,
high and low culture, art and market,
crafts and technology.

The artist proposes us a reflection
about the postmodern linguistic and cultural hybridization
as self-portrait.



Universidad de Barcelona Bellas Artes, Painting, Barcelona, Spain

Escola Massana, Painting, Barcelona, Spain

EBART, Escola Brasileira de Arte, Painting, São Paulo, Brazil

Escola Carlos de Campos, Drawing of Communication, São Paulo, Brazil



Artworks for sale in the Galeria Artevistas, Barcelona, Spain

Worked as actor in “Un amor de Terry” videoart directed by Telmo Moreno,
Museu Comarcal del Montsià, Amposta, Spain

Artworks for sale in the Galeria San Vicente 31, Seville, Spain
Artworks for sale in the Galeria Paspartú, Barcelona, Spain 
Artworks for sale in the galeria espai [b], Barcelona, Spain

Collaborations to Centre d'Art Santa Mònica's publications, Barcelona, Spain
Artworks for sale in the Galería Kunsthaus 414, Barcelona, Spain 
Artworks for sale in the Galería Gaudí, Madrid, Spain 
Member of the AAVC (Associació d’Artistes Visuals de Catalunya)

Worked as webmaster, Oscar's Studio, Barcelona, Spain

Obtains the Hispanic-Brazilian nationality

Worked as free-lancer illustrator and artistic painter, Barcelona, Spain
Worked as illustrator, ACR Graphic Design, Barcelona, Spain
Moved to live in Barcelona, Spain
Worked as advertising illustrator, Publigrafs, São Paulo, Brazil
Worked as advertising illustrator, FCB Siboney, São Paulo, Brazil
Worked as advertising illustrator, CBBA Publicidade, São Paulo, Brazil
Worked as advertising illustrator, Sempre Propaganda S.A., São Paulo, Brazil
Born in São Paulo, Brazil



"BMW Ibérica" Exhibition, BMW Ibérica, Madrid, Spain
"BMW Cano Catalunya" Exhibition, BMW Cano Catalunya, San Cugat, Spain
"BMW Cano Catalunya" Performance and exhibition, BMW Cano Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain

Galería de Arte San Vicente 31, Seville, Spain

"Locus quod Filiolus"
Facultat de Belles Arts de Barcelona, Spain

"12 Autoretrats"
Facultat de Belles Arts de Barcelona, Spain

Galeria Art Brut, São Paulo, Brazil



Galeria Artevistas, Barcelona, Spain

Galeria Paspartú, Barcelona, Spain

galeria d'art contemporani espai[b] - Barcelona, Spain
Marb Art 2006, II Marbella International Contemporary Art Fair, Spain
Galeria Paspartú, Barcelona, Spain

Mi•zynarodowy projekt "Art for Chelmek", Chelmek, Poland
Holland Art Fair, The Hague, Holand
Galería de Arte Gaudí, Madrid, Spain

Sala Jaume Busquet, Escola Massana, Barcelona, Spain

Sala Jaume Busquet, Escola Massana, Barcelona, Spain

Galeria Art Brut, São Paulo, Brazil
Associação de Artistas Plásticos da Colagem, São Paulo, Brazil



Accensi-Pinacho Collection, Barcelona, Spain
Artists Space, New York, USA
Museo de Arte do Parlamento de São Paulo, Brazil
BMW Ibérica Collection, BMW Ibérica, Madrid, Spain
JBM Collection, Barcelona, Spain
Centrum Miasta Collection, Chelmek, Poland




The artistic personality of the versatil Hispano-Brazilian Davis Lisboa has been developed from the synthesis of a multiple "hybridization" and shows the global complexity and the multicultural wealth derived from his time and his space. Formed in postmodernity, he has been influenced by the tranvanguardia, the German neoexpresionisme and the last creative tendencies. From 1988 to 1999, he has been dedicated to the advertising and that experimentation causes
that the graphic medias are used like "signs" in a clear and precise way.

The change of millenium has supposed in his trajectory the rereading of the historical vanguards: Self-portrait (1999), Abstraction (2002), Angel (2004).

The second phase of his pictorial production, from 2005, is within the analytical postmodernism looking forward his own identity, marked by the transversality and the linguistic hybridization, with the questioning of the artistic categories,
the elaboration of subversive contents and iconoclast repertoires, extracted from very different sources, to break the limits of aesthetic means and their ethics, as it is displayed in his last artworks: Great Stairs, Solum, Domus, Hybrid-Obex, Hybrid- Abaporu. Is in the purity of the hybridization that his artwork reaches his deeper meaning

Blanca García-Vega
Art History teacher of the Universidad de Valladolid
Member of the Florence Biennale Scientific Committee
Member of A.I.C.A
(Catalog of the Florence Biennale 2007, pp. 444)



The vision of Davis Lisboa is attracted by all the possibilities of expression: colour, line, space and meaning. Although he had moved away from a certain realism still implicit in his present canvas establishing almost a prologue to the definitive adoption of an abstractionism totally influenced by the availability of the artist to the evocation of a pictorical image being both informal and symbolical at the same time.

His painting represents the synthesis of a classic and a modern vision of the world. The artist has arrived to this situation with a careful chromatic investigation where masses of colors are mixed to express his world directed to an immediate dynamism of rare expressive power.

Davis Lisboa has found the key of this interpretation in his profiles
that as a whole he transforms into a true explosion of colours. Before being fixed images on the canvas his paintings constitute an experimented “reality” in the thought. From this reality an essential painting is born, where colour, drawing and composition are invented in an instant, without rethinking, without mistaking.

The matter does not prevent the flow of the emotion: the instinct arises with its fundamental force and it obtains conscientious and expressly the support that welcomes it. Davis Lisboa is an artist of the civilization of our time that lives art as a revelation, as a message and as a consequence like true poetry.


Davis Lisboa was born in São Paulo, Brazil, in 1965. Graduated in Communication, he has worked as an illustrator in Brazil from 1983 to 1987. He moved to Barcelona, Spain in 1987 still working in illustration.

He studied several art courses like painting in the Escola Brasileira de Arte, SP, Brazil (1984); Escola Massana, Barcelona, Spain (1987-1990) and at the Universitat de Belles Arts de Barcelona, Spain (1996).
He participated in many exhibitions, like in the Galeria Art Brut, São Paulo; Associação de Artistas Plasticos da Colagem, São Paulo (1984); Sala Jaume Busquet, Escola Massana, Barcelona, Spain (1988); Galería de Arte Gaudí, Madrid, Spain; Galería Kunsthaus, Barcelona (2005); galeria d’art espai [b], Barcelona,
Spain; Galeria d’Art Paspartú, Barcelona, Spain, Galería de Arte San Vicente 31, Seville, Spain.

He has works in some public and private collections, like BMW Ibérica, Madrid, Spain, JBM, Barcelona, Spain, Centrum Miasta, Chelmek, Poland and now in the Museu de Arte do Parlamento de São Paulo, Brazil.

Emanuel von Lauenstein Massarani
Superintendent of Cultural Heritage in São Paulo, Brazil
Art Director of the Florence Biennale
Art Critic
August 2007



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